
unique approach to coaching

“I started taking Western riding lessons with Liseanne in the fall of 2021. She is simply an amazing riding coach. She has the experience, knowledge and ability to provide clear and precise instructions and is able to explain why certain riding aids, cues and techniques that she teaches work and why they are necessary to help my horse, Mitzi learn.  In order for me to understand and internalize what I am learning, I need to know exactly why and how a particular movement of a my leg, a rein, or my body for example, impacts Mitzi’s reactions and movement.  Liseanne is able to explain, in simple and understandable terms, the purpose of the aids and cues, how they are interpreted by Mitzi and what the final result should be once she starts to understand what I am asking from her. In my opinion, this is pure gold!  

An advocate of Natural Horsemanship, Liseanne has also helped me build a better relationship with Mitzi and has given me a better understanding of how she thinks and learns.  She has nurtured the confidence of both me and Mitzi and has helped us both achieve success in small but significant steps.  I am so pleased with Liseanne’s unique approach to coaching, she is professional, reliable and supportive.  I would highly recommend her services!!”

 – Dar W.

Une superbe de bon coach!

J’ai commencé l’année 2021 avec La Cavalière Libérée le meilleurs choix depuis que j’ai recommencé à faire de l’équitation après avoir  tombé en bas mon cheval fracturer bassin deux place! Oui Deux brevet plus! pleine forme et de resources, des cours stimulants!

Tu es une superbe de bon coach!  J’ai hâte à 2022 

Merci Liseanne🤠❤

-Jo-Hanne M.

Une coach qui cherche à vous comprendre

“J’ai approché Liseanne avec pour objectif de compléter mes cavaliers western tout au long des quatre années de mon doctorat. Je suis surprise du rythme auquel ma jument et moi progressons avec son aide.

Nous avions grandement besoin de quelqu’un pour nous aider dans notre communication puisqu’après un changement d’écurie, je peinais à reconnaître ma jument.

Liseanne nous a permis de rétablir notre lien de confiance et de développer notre potentiel commun semaine après semaine. Je suis très fière à l’idée de savoir que nous compléterons le premier niveau western en moins d’un an de travail!

Cet accomplissement est en grande partie attribuable au professionnalisme et à l’expertise de Liseanne, une coach qui cherche à vous comprendre, votre cheval et vous, et qui vous amènera à atteindre vos objectifs les plus ambitieux.”

– Jessica M.

Liseanne is the #1 Coach!

“Before I started with her, it felt as if I hit a wall with my mare. Every visit felt like a constant tug-of-war which, more often then not, left both Jersey and I frustrated at the end of the day. Ever since I started with Liseanne, I no longer leave the barn feeling stressed or frustrated but leave feeling elevated and empowered.

Our relationship has grown substantially and now it genuinely feels like a true partnership has formed. I’m so grateful for all the help Liseanne has given us and I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store for us!

I highly recommend Liseanne. Not only has she helped me with an increased understanding of horsemanship, she teaches in a digestible, non-judgmental way regardless of your starting point.

If you’re looking for a coach to empower you and help you and your horse achieve your goals, Liseanne is the one!”

– Catherine B.