
I am a NCCP/EC certified and licensed Western Riding Coach and English Riding Instructor. I have 22 years of experience working with horses of all ages and in a multitude of different disciplines.

I will be the first to tell you, I am not a natural, I am not the best rider in the world. But I know horses. I have had hardships, I have cried, I have felt like I will never reach my goals and I have survived.

Countless times I have pushed through the fear, worry and anxiety to continue growing as an equestrian and a person.

What sets me apart is that I will tell you this. It’s not much, but in choosing working with me you get transparency. I will never tell you you shouldn’t be afraid or force you to to do something you are not ready to do. I will tell you I’ve been there too, and help support you through it.

I will help teach and guide you and your horse in whatever way you want and at the end of the day I will be your biggest fan and be proud of every small step along the way.

I am also a NCSF certified Personal Trainer and 200 hour yoga instructor specializing in rider fitness.

I love helping people find their inner power by working with horses, the confidence, mental and physical strength and the confidence that this world can bring to all ages and in all walks of life is amazing!

Off-site Lessons

Lessons for those with their own horses. Given at your home or at your boarding stable with your horse! I travel all over the Outaouais but these are the regions I frequent. Contact me if your region is not on the list.

Les temps de voyage de 1h45 heure ou plus sont considérés comme des événements spéciaux et nécessitent donc un devis spécifique. Contactez-moi pour plus d’informations.

Online Lessons

Virtual riding lessons seem like a strange concept, but ever since taking a few of them myself I was hooked!

Yes, they can’t replace an in-person lesson but they provide a different and interesting perspective for both coach and rider.

How does it work? Either you submit 1-2, 15 minute videos to me a week before hour appointment showing the issues you are having or I give you a lesson plan and set of exercises to perform while recording those above mentioned videos.

Once submitted to me and reviewed we have a video call and review the video you submitted together. We will pause and rewind as many times as needed for me to show you what I am seeing.

We identify issues, come up with a plan and I answer any questions you may have. After the call I will make you a homework document and a lesson plan for the next session.

Recording submission plus live chat to review lesson – 40$

Fit To Ride

Riding is a sport, but we as riders often only treat the horse like the athlete. Inevitably we will end up with an physical impediment that stops us from fully enjoying our ride, causes us discomfort or halts our progression towards our goals. My Fit To Ride programs will allow you to stay fit and help riding become easier, safer and keep you in the saddle for years to come!

  • Fit To Ride library access – 10$ per month, access to a full and ever growing library of workouts, exercises and stretches
  • Custom Program – One time fee of 50$ get a program made just for you.

Lesson rules